Shloka26-31 - TATVA GYAAN

श्रोत्रादीनीन्द्रियाण्यन्ये संयमाग्निषु जुह्वति |
शब्दादीन्विषयानन्य इन्द्रियाग्निषु जुह्वति ||26||

śrōtrādīnīndriyāṇyanyē saṃyamāgniṣu juhvati ।
śabdādīnviṣayānanya indriyāgniṣu juhvati ॥26॥

अन्य योगीजन श्रोत्र आदि समस्त इन्द्रियोंको संयमरूप अग्नियोंमें हवन किया करते हैं और दूसरे योगीलोग शब्दादि समस्त विषयोंको इन्द्रियरूप अग्नियोंमें हवन किया करते हैं|

Some offer, in the fire of self-control, one of their senses such as their hearing. (This signifies that the signifies has no attachment to any of his senses.)Others offer sensual objects (objects of perception), such as sound, in the fire of controlled senses.Signifying that the sacrificer has the will-power and restraint not to let his senses be influenced by evil, sin, or sensual objects of destruction.

सर्वाणीन्द्रियकर्माणि प्राणकर्माणि चापरे |
आत्मसंयमयोगाग्नौ जुह्वति ज्ञानदीपिते ||27||

sarvāṇīndriyakarmāṇi prāṇakarmāṇi chāparē ।
ātmasaṃyamayōgāgnau juhvati jñānadīpitē ॥27॥

दूसरे योगीजन इन्द्रियोंकी सम्पूर्ण क्रियाओंको और प्राणों की समस्त क्रियाओंको ज्ञानसे प्रकाशित आत्मसंयमयोगरूप अग्निमें हवन किया करते हैं|

Some Yogis sacrifice all the functions of their senses ans all their vital functions of life, into the fire of Yoga, in the shape of self control, which is kindled by Gyan (wisdom). (This signifies the sacrificer’s one-mindedness with the Lord, the Supreme Goal).

द्रव्ययज्ञास्तपोयज्ञा योगयज्ञास्तथापरे |
स्वाध्यायज्ञानयज्ञाश्च यतय: संशितव्रता: ||28||

dravyayajñāstapōyajñā yōgayajñāstathāparē ।
svādhyāyajñānayajñāścha yatayaḥ saṃśitavratāḥ ॥28॥

कई पुरुष द्रव्यसम्बन्धी यज्ञ करनेवाले हैं, कितने ही तपस्यारूप यज्ञ करनेवाले हैं तथा दूसरे कितने ही योगरूप यज्ञ करनेवाले हैं, कितने ही अहिंसादि तीक्ष्ण व्रतोंसे युक्त यत्नशील पुरुष स्वाध्यायरूप ज्ञानयज्ञ करनेवाले हैं|

Sacrifices come in many forms. Giving away material wealth for charity is a sacrifice. Austerity is a sacrifice. Yoga is a sacrifice. Making vows and promises involve sacrifice. Even self-study is a sacrifice.

अपाने जुह्वति प्राणं प्राणेऽपानं तथापरे |
प्राणापानगती रुद्ध्वा प्राणायामपरायणा: ||29||

apānē juhvati prāṇaṃ prāṇēpānaṃ tathāparē ।
prāṇāpānagatī ruddhvā prāṇāyāmaparāyaṇāḥ ॥29॥

अपरे नियताहारा: प्राणान्प्राणेषु जुह्वति |
सर्वेऽप्येते यज्ञविदो यज्ञक्षपितकल्मषा: ||30||

aparē niyatāhārāḥ prāṇānprāṇēṣu juhvati ।
sarvēpyētē yajñavidō yajñakṣapitakalmaṣāḥ ॥30॥

दूसरे कितने ही योगीजन अपानवायुमें प्राणवायुको हवन करते हैं, वैसे ही अन्य योगीजन प्राणवायुमें अपानवायुको हवन करते हैं तथा अन्य कितने ही नियमित आहार करनेवाले प्राणायामपरायण पुरुष प्राण और अपानकी गतिको रोककर प्राणोंको प्राणोंमें ही हवन किया करते हैं। ये सभी साधक यज्ञोंद्वारा पापोंका नाश कर देनेवाले और यज्ञोंको जाननेवाले हैं|

Other Yogis (wise men) perform sacrifice by controlling the amount of breaths they take. By holding in their breath for a long periond of time whilepronouncing My name, they increase their life’s longevity. This act is known as PRANAYAM.Others perform sacrifice by controlling what they eat,(fasting). Those whose sins have been destroyed by sacrifice, understand the power and importance of sacrifice.

यज्ञशिष्टामृतभुजो यान्ति ब्रह्म सनातनम् |
नायं लोकोऽस्त्ययज्ञस्य कुतोऽन्य: कुरुसत्तम ||31||

yajñaśiṣṭāmṛtabhujō yānti brahma sanātanam ।
nāyaṃ lōkōstyayajñasya kutōnyaḥ kurusattama ॥31॥

हे कुरुश्रेष्ठ अर्जुन! यज्ञसे बचे हुए अमृतका अनुभव करनेवाले योगीजन सनातन परब्रह्म परमात्माको प्राप्त होते हैं। और यज्ञ न करनेवाले पुरुषके लिये तो यह मनुष्यलोक भी सुखदायक नहीं है, फिर परलोक है कैसे सुखदायक हो सकता है ?

O Arjuna, only those people who have sacrificed to achieve wisdom and knowledge of Gyan, go to Brahma, (the creator of all beings and God of Wisdom in the World). Without performing some sort of sacrifice in life, one cannot possibly remain happy in this world, not to mention the afterworld

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