एतान्यपि तु कर्माणि सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा फलानि च |
कर्तव्यानीति मे पार्थ निश्चितं मतमुत्तमम् || 6||
ētānyapi tu karmāṇi saṅgaṃ tyaktvā phalāni cha ।
kartavyānīti mē pārtha niśchitaṃ matamuttamam ॥ 6 ॥
इसलिये हे पार्थ ! इन यज्ञ, दान और तपरूप कर्मों को तथा और भी सम्पूर्ण कर्तव्य कर्मों को आसक्ति और फलों का त्याग करके अवश्य करना चाहिये, यह मेरा निश्चय किया हुआ उत्तम मत है ।
However, dear Arjuna, these works of purification should be performed with freedom from attachment to material goods and without expectation of any rewards resulting from these actions. This, O Partha, is My decided and final word.
नियतस्य तु सन्न्यास: कर्मणो नोपपद्यते |
मोहात्तस्य परित्यागस्तामस: परिकीर्तित: || 7||
niyatasya tu saṃnyāsaḥ karmaṇō nōpapadyatē ।
mōhāttasya parityāgastāmasaḥ parikīrtitaḥ ॥ 7 ॥
( निषिद्ब और काम्य कर्मों का तो स्वरूप से त्याग करना उचित ही है ) परन्तु नियत कर्म का स्वरूप से त्याग उचित नहीं है । इसलिये मोह के कारण उसका त्याग कर देना तामस त्याग कहा गया है ।
The Blessed Lord Advised: O Arjuna, it would be unwise to leave the holy work that should be completed, unfinished, Such an abandonment of work and surrender from action is a sin and would be an act of darkness as well as delusion.
दु:खमित्येव यत्कर्म कायक्लेशभयात्यजेत् |
स कृत्वा राजसं त्यागं नैव त्यागफलं लभेत् || 8||
duḥkhamityēva yatkarma kāyaklēśabhayāttyajēt ।
sa kṛtvā rājasaṃ tyāgaṃ naiva tyāgaphalaṃ labhēt ॥ 8 ॥
जो कुछ कर्म है, वह सब दुःख रूप ही है —– ऐसा समझ कर यदि कोई शारीरिक क्लेश के भय से कर्तव्य कर्मों का त्याग कर दे, तो वह ऐसा राजस त्याग करके त्याग के फल को किसी प्रकार भी नहीं पाता|
O Arjuna, he who abandons his duties because he fears that some discomfort or pain will come to him by performing these duties, is of the Rajas Guna (nature) and his way of surrendering from work is a sign of this nature within him. You must realize, O Arjuna, that person actually accomplishes nothing when he performs his various tasks.
कार्यमित्येव यत्कर्म नियतं क्रियतेऽर्जुन |
सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा फलं चैव स त्याग: सात्त्विको मत: || 9||
kāryamityēva yatkarma niyataṃ kriyatērjuna ।
saṅgaṃ tyaktvā phalaṃ chaiva sa tyāgaḥ sāttvikō mataḥ ॥ 9 ॥
हे अर्जुन ! जो शास्त्र विहित कर्म करना कर्तव्य है — इसी भाव से आसक्ति और फल का त्याग करके किया जाता है —– वही सात्विक त्याग माना गया है ।
But, O son of Kunti, he who partakes in these holy tasks, O Arjuna, only because he knows that it is his duty to accomplish them, and at the same time forsakes all selfish desires and thoughts of receiving rewards, is considered by Me to be a man of ‘goodness.’ Because of performing his pure work, this man produces only peace, divine joy, and other SAATVIC results.
न द्वेष्ट्यकुशलं कर्म कुशले नानुषज्जते |
त्यागी सत्त्वसमाविष्टो मेधावी छिन्नसंशय: || 10||
na dvēṣṭyakuśalaṃ karma kuśalē nānuṣajjatē ।
tyāgī sattvasamāviṣṭō mēdhāvī Chinnasaṃśayaḥ ॥ 10 ॥
जो मनुष्य अकुशल कर्म से तो द्बेष नहीं करता और कुशल कर्म में आसक्त्त नहीं होता —- वह शुद्भ सत्वगुण से युक्त्त पुरुष संशयरहित, बुद्भिमान् और सच्चा त्यागी है|
This wiseman, whose doubts no longer exist, who has learned the real truth about renunciation in this world, is a pure and SAATVIC man of peace. Whether a particular task is pleasant or painful to perform, he receives joy from accomplishing it.