Shloka 52-56 - TATVA GYAAN

विविक्तसेवी लघ्वाशी यतवाक्कायमानस: |
ध्यानयोगपरो नित्यं वैराग्यं समुपाश्रित: || 52||

viviktasēvī laghvāśī yatavākkāyamānasaḥ ।
dhyānayōgaparō nityaṃ vairāgyaṃ samupāśritaḥ ॥ 52 ॥

सात्त्विक धारण शक्त्ति के द्वारा अन्त:करण और इन्द्रियों का संयम करके मन, वाणी और शरीर को वश में कर लेने वाला, राग-द्बेष को सर्वथा नष्ट करके भली-भाँति दृढवैराग्य का आश्रय लेने वाला तथा अहंकार,

…He who lives in solitude and secluded silence; who eats only the absolutely necessary quantities of food (for survival); who partakes in steady meditation and concentration on the Supreme Spirit; whose thoughts, speech, and bodily movements are under constant control.

अहङ्कारं बलं दर्पं कामं क्रोधं परिग्रहम् |
विमुच्य निर्मम: शान्तो ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते || 53||

ahaṅkāraṃ balaṃ darpaṃ kāmaṃ krōdhaṃ parigraham ।
vimuchya nirmamaḥ śāntō brahmabhūyāya kalpatē ॥ 53 ॥

बल, घमण्ड, काम क्रोध और परिग्रह का त्याग करके निरन्तर ध्यान योग के परायण रहने वाला, ममता रहित और शान्ति युक्त्त पुरुष सच्चिदानन्दधन ब्रह्म में अभिग्नभाव से स्थित होने का पात्र होता है ।

…who does not let passion control his will; who is rid of his greed, violence and pride; whose feelings of anger and lust are abolished; who has broken free from the bondages of all his material possessions; and who treats all other fellow beings in this world equally; a being who possesses all such qualities has reached the highest state of self-realization possible, namely that which is the Brahman, which is in the heart of the Lord.

ब्रह्मभूत: प्रसन्नात्मा न शोचति न काङ् क्षति |
सम: सर्वेषु भूतेषु मद्भक्तिं लभते पराम् || 54||

brahmabhūtaḥ prasannātmā na śōchati na kāṅkṣati ।
samaḥ sarvēṣu bhūtēṣu madbhaktiṃ labhatē parām ॥ 54 ॥

फिर वह सच्चिदानन्दधन ब्रह्म में एकीभाव से स्थित, प्रसन्न मन वाला योगी न तो किसी के लिये शोक करता है और न किसी की आकाँक्षा ही करता है । ऐसा समस्त प्राणियों में सम भाव वाला योगी मेरी परा भक्त्ति को प्राप्त हो जाता है ।

This being becomes one with God (or the Supreme Brahman), and his soul experiences true joy, peace and bliss. He no longer feels any desire for material things nor does he recognize any grief. He extends his love to all creation in this world and shows supreme love and unfailing devotion to Me, the Lord of all.

भक्त्या मामभिजानाति यावान्यश्चास्मि तत्त्वत: |
ततो मां तत्त्वतो ज्ञात्वा विशते तदनन्तरम् || 55||

bhaktyā māmabhijānāti yāvānyaśchāsmi tattvataḥ ।
tatō māṃ tattvatō jñātvā viśatē tadanantaram ॥ 55 ॥

उस परा भक्त्ति के द्वारा वह मुझ परमात्मा को, मैं जो हूँ और जितना हूँ, ठीक वैसा का वैसा तत्त्व से जान लेता है ; तथा उस भक्त्ति से मुझको तत्त्व से जान कर तत्काल ही मुझ में प्रविष्ट हो जाता है ।

One can only fully understand Me, the Supreme Spirit, as I truly am, by pouring out his pure love and devotion to Me. When this being has truly realized and understood Me, in the end, he enters into and becomes a part of Me, the Supreme Soul.

सर्वकर्माण्यपि सदा कुर्वाणो मद्व्यपाश्रय: |
मत्प्रसादादवाप्नोति शाश्वतं पदमव्ययम् || 56||

sarvakarmāṇyapi sadā kurvāṇō madvyapāśrayaḥ ।
matprasādādavāpnōti śāśvataṃ padamavyayam ॥ 56 ॥

मेरे परायण हुआ योगी तो सम्पूर्ण कर्मों को सदा करता हुआ भी मेरी कृपा से सनातन अविनाशी परम पद को प्राप्त हो जाता है ।

While engaged in whatever task a person has been prescribed, a person can task refuge in Me, and with My Divine Grace and Protection, a person, can easily reach the most Supreme and Eternal Abode where I reside.

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