यत्तु प्रत्युपकारार्थं फलमुद्दिश्य वा पुन: |
दीयते च परिक्लिष्टं तद्दानं राजसं स्मृतम् || 21||
yat tu pratyupakārārthaṁ phalam uddiśhya vā punaḥ
dīyate cha parikliṣhṭaṁ tad dānaṁ rājasaṁ smṛitam || 21||
किंतु जो दान क्लेश पूर्वक तथा प्रत्युपकार के प्रयोजन से अथवा फल को दृष्टि में रख कर फिर दिया जाता है, वह दान राजस कहा गया है|
However Arjuna, when the gift is given with the expectation of receiving something in return, when it is also given for the sake of receiving future rewards or when the gift is given unwillingly from one person to another, this gift is considered impure and presented by a person of the Rajas nature.
अदेशकाले यद्दानमपात्रेभ्यश्च दीयते |
असत्कृतमवज्ञातं तत्तामसमुदाहृतम् || 22||
adeśha-kāle yad dānam apātrebhyaśh cha dīyate
asat-kṛitam avajñātaṁ tat tāmasam udāhṛitam|| 22||
जो दान बिना सत्कार के एवं तिरस्कार पूर्वक अयोग्य देश काल में और कुपात्र के प्रति दिया जाता है, वह दान तामस कहा गया है|
A gift that is given to an unworthy (evil) person, at an improper time and place, given not from kindness in the heart, but with feelings of extreme pride and with contempt towards the other person, this gift, O Arjuna, is one that has evolved from darkness and has come from a person who is of the Tamas nature.
ॐ तत्सदिति निर्देशो ब्रह्मणस्त्रिविध: स्मृत: |
ब्राह्मणास्तेन वेदाश्च यज्ञाश्च विहिता: पुरा || 23||
oṁ tat sad iti nirdeśho brahmaṇas tri-vidhaḥ smṛitaḥ
brāhmaṇās tena vedāśh cha yajñāśh cha vihitāḥ purā|| 23||
ओउम्, तत्, सत् —- ऐसे यह तीन प्रकार का सच्चिदानन्दधन ब्रह्म का नाम कहा है ; उसी से सृष्टि के आदि काल में ब्राह्मण और वेद तथा यज्ञादि रचे गये |
AUM, TAT, SAT (literal translation: the Lord who is the truth). Dear Partha, each one of these sacred words represents the three stages of the Brahman (the Brahman is the single word that describes where all Brahmins (spiritual teachers) have originated from). From the Brahman also evolved the Holy Scriptures (Vedas) and is today also known as the Supreme Spiritual Sacrifice.
तस्माद् ॐ इत्युदाहृत्य यज्ञदानतप:क्रिया: |
प्रवर्तन्ते विधानोक्ता: सततं ब्रह्मवादिनाम् || 24||
tasmād oṁ ity udāhṛitya yajña-dāna-tapaḥ-kriyāḥ
pravartante vidhānoktāḥ satataṁ brahma-vādinām || 24||
इसलिये वेद मन्त्रों का उच्चारण करने वाले श्रेष्ठ पुरुषों की शास्त्र विधि से नियत यज्ञ, दान और तप रूप क्रियाएँ सदा ‘ओउम्’ इस परमात्मा के नाम को उच्चारण करके ही आरम्भ होती हैं|
Therefore, dear Arjuna, he who is a devoted follower of the Brahman, begins all acts of spiritual sacrifice, gift-giving, or self-perfection (which is really the achievement of inner-peace with the self), with the word Aum (Aum or the Lord is the very beginning of all things in the universe).
तदित्यनभिसन्धाय फलं यज्ञतप:क्रिया: |
दानक्रियाश्च विविधा: क्रियन्ते मोक्षकाङ्क्षिभि: || 25||
tad ity anabhisandhāya phalaṁ yajña-tapaḥ-kriyāḥ
dāna-kriyāśh cha vividhāḥ kriyante mokṣha-kāṅkṣhibhiḥ || 25||
तत् अर्थात् ‘तत्’ नाम से कहे जाने वाले परमात्मा का ही यह सब है, इस भाव से फल को न चाहकर नाना प्रकार की यज्ञ तपरूप क्रियाएँ तथा दानरूप क्रियाएँ कल्याण की इच्छा वाले पुरुषों द्वारा की जाती हैं|
The word Tat describes the actual performance of the Spiritual Sacrifice, the presentation of gifts, and all acts of self perfection and self-harmony. The performance of these acts (by those who seek true, infinite liberty from the world), without wishing for any rewards in return are done by the true followers of the Brahman, in accordance with the Holy laws, as stated in the Scriptures. If these acts are done properly, they lead a person further along the path towards Me, the Supreme Goal and Supreme Spirit.
सद्भावे साधुभावे च सदित्येतत्प्रयुज्यते |
प्रशस्ते कर्मणि तथा सच्छब्द: पार्थ युज्यते || 26||
sad-bhāve sādhu-bhāve cha sad ity etat prayujyate
praśhaste karmaṇi tathā sach-chhabdaḥ pārtha yujyate || 26||
‘सत्’ ——-इस प्रकार यह परमात्मा का नाम सत्य भाव में और श्रेष्ठ भाव में प्रयोग किया जाता है तथा हे पार्थ ! उत्तम कर्म में भी ‘सत्’ शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाता है|
Sat (derived from term Satya), is the word that literally means Supreme Truth and goodness. It is the end or final step in the actual Spiritual sacrifice and signifies the ultimate or final goal to be reached at the end of performing this religious ritual namely, to please Me in order to attain unity with Me. Since I am the Supreme Truth, O Arjuna, when a particular (religious) task is performed and has been properly completed, the result of this spiritual work is the attainment of the Supreme Truth or the attainment of Myself, the Lord.
यज्ञे तपसि दाने च स्थिति: सदिति चोच्यते |
कर्म चैव तदर्थीयं सदित्येवाभिधीयते || 27||
yajñe tapasi dāne cha sthitiḥ sad iti chochyate
karma chaiva tad-arthīyaṁ sad ity evābhidhīyate || 27||
तथा यज्ञ, तप और दान में जो स्थिति है, वह भी ‘सत्’ इस प्रकार कही जाती है और उस परमात्मा के लिये किया हुआ कर्म निश्चय पूर्वक सत् ऐसे कहा जाता है |
Everlasting faithfulness is Spiritual Sacrifice, Self-harmony, and the giving of gifts, lead one on the pathway to achieving Sat, O Arjuna. This is a fact because all of these divisions of faith ultimately lead to Me, the Eternal Truth.
अश्रद्धया हुतं दत्तं तपस्तप्तं कृतं च यत् |
असदित्युच्यते पार्थ न च तत्प्रेत्य नो इह || 28||
aśhraddhayā hutaṁ dattaṁ tapas taptaṁ kṛitaṁ cha yat
asad ity uchyate pārtha na cha tat pretya no iha || 28||
हे अर्जुन ! बिना श्रद्बा जे के किया हुआ हवन, दिया हुआ दान एवं तपा हुआ तप और जो कुछ भी किया हुआ शुभ कर्म है —– वह समस्त ‘असत्’ —– इस प्रकार कहा जाता है ; इसलिये वह न तो इस लोक में लाभदायक है और न मरने के बाद ही |
If any of these acts, O Arjuna, whether it is Spiritual Sacrifice, Self-perfection or the offering of pure and pleasant gifts, is done without faith and good incentives, Asat (all that is untrue and representative of darkness) is attained. By achieving Asat, one has really gained absolutely nothing, O Son of Kunti, because I hold the acts performed in Asat as useless, and having no importance in this world or in the afterworld.